Click to play: Panel One: Debate on Nationwide Injunctions

Panel One: Debate on Nationwide Injunctions

2019 Annual Western Chapters Conference

What is the proper role of state attorneys general and the courts in litigation in...

Panel Three: Post-Janus Labor & Employment Law Issues in the State and Future of Unions

2019 Annual Western Chapters Conference

How will the Janus decision affect the ability of unions to wield political power and what impact...

Click to play: Panel Three: Post-Janus Labor & Employment Law Issues in the State and Future of Unions

Panel Three: Post-Janus Labor & Employment Law Issues in the State and Future of Unions

2019 Annual Western Chapters Conference

How will the Janus decision affect the ability of unions to wield political power and what impact...

Panel Two: What are the Limits of Local Control?

2019 Annual Western Chapters Conference

When is it appropriate for states and cities to contradict or ignore federal law? Do...