FedSoc Forums is a virtual discussion series dedicated to providing expert analysis and intellectual commentary on today’s most pressing legal and policy issues. Produced by The Federalist Society’s Practice Groups, FedSoc Forums strive to create balanced conversations in various formats, such as monologues, debates, or panel discussions. In addition to regular episodes, FedSoc Forums feature special content covering specific topics in the legal world, such as:
COURTHOUSE STEPS - A series of rapid response discussions breaking down all the latest SCOTUS cases after oral argument or final decision.
A SEAT AT THE SITTING - A monthly series that runs during the Court’s term featuring a panel of constitutional experts discussing the Supreme Court’s upcoming docket sitting by sitting.
LITIGATION UPDATE - A series that provides the latest updates in important ongoing cases from all levels of government.
Administrative Law & Regulation
Civil Rights
Corporations, Securities & Antitrust
Criminal Law & Procedure
Environmental Law & Property Rights
Federalism & Separation of Powers
Financial Services & E-Commerce
Free Speech & Election Law
Intellectual Property
International & National Security Law
Labor & Employment Law
Professional Responsibility & Legal Education
Religious Liberties
Telecommunications & Electronic Media