There is a growing divide in this country over how to think about freedom of expression that reflects a growing divide over freedom of thought. This divide is rapidly replacing what had been a social consensus on the importance of being able to say controversial things, the virtue of defending the right to express unpopular opinions, and the centrality of individual conscience in the United States.
The Freedom of Thought Project—a special initiative of the Federalist Society—will address these emerging questions pertaining to free speech and thought. Through programming at conferences, and at lawyers’ chapter and student chapter events, we will cultivate respectful conversation and debate on the very topics where the discussion has sometimes degenerated into name-calling. And we will explore how the dynamic is playing out in particularly consequential areas of society, including the tech sector, the workplace, and academia.
For almost 40 years, the Federalist Society has provided a platform for thoughtful people from across the ideological spectrum to bring competing arguments to a variety of sensitive and contentious questions. We look forward to exploring these challenges to freedom of thought, giving all perspectives a fair and level platform, and letting facts and ideas speak for themselves.
Alida Kass Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, and Director of the Freedom of Thought Project