Regulatory Transparency Project

The Regulatory Transparency Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort dedicated to fostering discussion and a better understanding of regulatory policies.

Article I Initiative

The mission of Federalist Society’s Article I Initiative is to restore Congress to its rightful place in the Constitutional order. The Initiative is non-partisan; we aim to bring the left and the right together to ensure that the Constitutional balance leans heavily towards the institution which is meant to be most representative of the American people.

COVID-19 and the Law

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and the response from all levels of government have given rise to numerous questions on various legal and public policy issues. Below is all of our content related to the pandemic including commentary and upcoming events.

In-House Counsel Network

The In-House Counsel Network will focus on the issues that attorneys in for-profit companies face in day-to-day practice, like properly identifying the client, managing outside firms, earning “cooperation” status during criminal investigations while managing exposure to civil liability, understanding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, document retention and all matters of e-discovery, employment issues, tracking legal issues in corporate governance, and more.

Freedom of Thought

The Freedom of Thought Project—a special initiative of the Federalist Society—will address these emerging questions pertaining to free speech and thought. Through programming at conferences, and at lawyers’ chapter and student chapter events, we will cultivate respectful conversation and debate on the very topics where the discussion has sometimes degenerated into name-calling. And we will explore how the dynamic is playing out in particularly consequential areas of society, including the tech sector, the workplace, and academia.

A Seat at the Sitting

Each month, a panel of constitutional experts will convene to discuss the Court’s upcoming docket and debrief oral arguments from the previous month.