Customary International Law: The Next Font of Judicial Activism? - Transcript

Customary International Law: The Next Font of Judicial Activism? - Transcript

2003 National Lawyers Convention - "International Law and American Sovereignty"

The Federalist Society presented this Showcase Panel during the 2003 National Lawyers Convention on November 13,...

Panel 2: The Anti-Federalists and Theories of Originalism

2020 Annual Western Chapters Conference

On January 25, 2020, the Federalist Society hosted its annual Western Chapters Conference at the...

Click to play: Panel 2: The Anti-Federalists and Theories of Originalism

Panel 2: The Anti-Federalists and Theories of Originalism

2020 Annual Western Chapters Conference

On January 25, 2020, the Federalist Society hosted its annual Western Chapters Conference at the...

Click to play: Showcase Panel I: Justice Scalia: Text Over Intent and the Demise of Legislative History

Showcase Panel I: Justice Scalia: Text Over Intent and the Demise of Legislative History

2016 National Lawyers Convention

Until 1986, most conservative lawyers favored following the original intentions of the Framers of the...