Financial Services: The Latest in the Financial Services Crises: Government Control v. the Free Market

2008 National Lawyers Convention

Bankers and other financial services providers are facing unprecedented challenges as problem loans mount, collateral-backed...

Net Neutrality Without the FCC?: Why the FTC Can Regulate Broadband Effectively

Net Neutrality Without the FCC?: Why the FTC Can Regulate Broadband Effectively

Federalist Society Review, Volume 18

Note from the Editor: This article argues that the FTC has jurisdiction over broadband and the...

Click to play: Roe v. Wade: Abortion in New York [Short Film]

Roe v. Wade: Abortion in New York [Short Film]

Documentary short from Coronation Media and FedSoc Films

As one of the first states to repeal its abortion statute before Roe v. Wade legalized...