Nov 14 2011 Video Event Videos Showcase Panel II: Political Philosophy and Classical Liberalism Roundtable Richard A. Epstein, Sandra Segal Ikuta, Andrew Koppelman, Leonard A. Leo, Michael W. McConnell, John O. McGinnis, Paul Rahe, Douglas B. Rasmussen, John Tomasi 2011 National Lawyers Convention This year, two books are being published defending classical liberalism: one by Richard Epstein and...
Nov 14 2011 Podcast Showcase Panel II: Political Philosophy and Classical Liberalism Roundtable Richard A. Epstein, Sandra Segal Ikuta, Andrew Koppelman, Leonard A. Leo, Michael W. McConnell, John O. McGinnis, Paul Rahe, Douglas B. Rasmussen, John Tomasi 2011 National Lawyers Convention This year, two books are being published defending classical liberalism: one by Richard Epstein and...
Jun 5 2020 Podcast FedSoc Forums British Turmoil After Brexit Alberto R. Coll, John O. McGinnis, Maimon Schwarzschild In December, 2019, the British people voted to return an historic Tory majority to Parliament...
Feb 28 2011 Video Event Videos Panel II: Federalism and Interstate Competition Jonathan H. Adler, Clayton Gillette, Gregory G. Katsas, John O. McGinnis, Lauren Prieb, Louis Michael Seidman 2011 National Student Symposium This panel will assess American federalism as a competitive institution that offers a marketplace of...
Feb 28 2011 Podcast Panel II: Federalism and Interstate Competition Jonathan H. Adler, Clayton Gillette, Gregory G. Katsas, John O. McGinnis, Lauren Prieb, Louis Michael Seidman 2011 National Student Symposium This panel will assess American federalism as a competitive institution that offers a marketplace of...
Jan 10 2011 Podcast Panel 3: Alternatives to Originalism: Conservative and Libertarian Perspectives David Bernstein, Patrick McKinley Brennan, Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Orin S. Kerr, John O. McGinnis 13th Annual Faculty Conference Prof. David E. Bernstein, George Mason University School of Law Prof. Patrick Brennan, Villanova University...
Jan 11 2010 Podcast Panel 3: Constitutional and Prudential Limits on the Treaty Power: Federalism, Delegation, or Some Other Principle? Duncan Hollis, Julian Ku, John O. McGinnis, David L. Sloss 12th Annual Faculty Conference Prof. Duncan Hollis, Temple University Beasley School of Law Prof. John McGinnis, Northwestern University Law...
Nov 1 2017 Publication Federalist Society Review Forgotten Cases: Worthen v. Thomas and the Contract Clause David F. Forte Federalist Society Review, Volume 18 Note from the Editor: This article discusses the history of interpretation of the Contract Clause and...
Jan 12 2009 Podcast Luncheon Debate: When should FDA Regulation Preempt State Tort Liability Richard A. Epstein, Roderick M. Hills, John O. McGinnis 11th Annual Faculty Conference Prof. Richard Epstein, University of Chicago School of Law Prof. Roderick Hills, New York University...
Nov 24 2008 Podcast International & National Security Law: International Law & the Separation of Powers John O. McGinnis, Randy Moss, David B. Rivkin, John C. Yoo, François-Henri Briard 2008 National Lawyers Convention Just as the modern state is the administrative state, so global governance will inevitably devolve...
Showcase Panel II: Political Philosophy and Classical Liberalism Roundtable
Richard A. Epstein, Sandra Segal Ikuta, Andrew Koppelman, Leonard A. Leo, Michael W. McConnell, John O. McGinnis, Paul Rahe, Douglas B. Rasmussen, John Tomasi
2011 National Lawyers Convention
This year, two books are being published defending classical liberalism: one by Richard Epstein and...
Showcase Panel II: Political Philosophy and Classical Liberalism Roundtable
Richard A. Epstein, Sandra Segal Ikuta, Andrew Koppelman, Leonard A. Leo, Michael W. McConnell, John O. McGinnis, Paul Rahe, Douglas B. Rasmussen, John Tomasi
2011 National Lawyers Convention
This year, two books are being published defending classical liberalism: one by Richard Epstein and...
British Turmoil After Brexit
Alberto R. Coll, John O. McGinnis, Maimon Schwarzschild
In December, 2019, the British people voted to return an historic Tory majority to Parliament...
Panel II: Federalism and Interstate Competition
Jonathan H. Adler, Clayton Gillette, Gregory G. Katsas, John O. McGinnis, Lauren Prieb, Louis Michael Seidman
2011 National Student Symposium
This panel will assess American federalism as a competitive institution that offers a marketplace of...
Panel II: Federalism and Interstate Competition
Jonathan H. Adler, Clayton Gillette, Gregory G. Katsas, John O. McGinnis, Lauren Prieb, Louis Michael Seidman
2011 National Student Symposium
This panel will assess American federalism as a competitive institution that offers a marketplace of...
Panel 3: Alternatives to Originalism: Conservative and Libertarian Perspectives
David Bernstein, Patrick McKinley Brennan, Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Orin S. Kerr, John O. McGinnis
13th Annual Faculty Conference
Prof. David E. Bernstein, George Mason University School of Law Prof. Patrick Brennan, Villanova University...
Panel 3: Constitutional and Prudential Limits on the Treaty Power: Federalism, Delegation, or Some Other Principle?
Duncan Hollis, Julian Ku, John O. McGinnis, David L. Sloss
12th Annual Faculty Conference
Prof. Duncan Hollis, Temple University Beasley School of Law Prof. John McGinnis, Northwestern University Law...
Forgotten Cases: Worthen v. Thomas and the Contract Clause
David F. Forte
Federalist Society Review, Volume 18
Note from the Editor: This article discusses the history of interpretation of the Contract Clause and...
Luncheon Debate: When should FDA Regulation Preempt State Tort Liability
Richard A. Epstein, Roderick M. Hills, John O. McGinnis
11th Annual Faculty Conference
Prof. Richard Epstein, University of Chicago School of Law Prof. Roderick Hills, New York University...
International & National Security Law: International Law & the Separation of Powers
John O. McGinnis, Randy Moss, David B. Rivkin, John C. Yoo, François-Henri Briard
2008 National Lawyers Convention
Just as the modern state is the administrative state, so global governance will inevitably devolve...