The War on Independent Work: Why Some Regulators Want to Abolish Independent Contracting, Why They Keep Failing, & Why We Should Declare Peace

The War on Independent Work: Why Some Regulators Want to Abolish Independent Contracting, Why They Keep Failing, & Why We Should Declare Peace

Federalist Society Review, Volume 24

There is a war on independent contracting. Martial metaphors are often overworked in the law....

Deep Dive Episode 277 - Welcome & Plenary Session: Regulatory Review Reset?

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

Eleventh Annual Executive Branch Review Conference — EBRXITheme: Transparency, Accountability, and the Administrative State The White...

Click to play: Plenary Session #3	U.S. Department of Education Rulemaking: Hiding Regulatory Elephants in Statutory Mouseholes?

Plenary Session #3 U.S. Department of Education Rulemaking: Hiding Regulatory Elephants in Statutory Mouseholes?

2023 Education Law & Policy Conference

The Supreme Court’s recent decision in Biden v. Nebraska has not ended questions about regulatory...