Panel Two: Discussion on Nationwide Injunctions

2019 Texas Chapters Conference

On September 14, 2019, The Federalist Society held a panel on Nationwide Injunctions during its...

Click to play: Stare Decisis Panel

Stare Decisis Panel

2019 Kentucky Chapters Conference

On October 7, 2019, The Federalist Society held a panel on Stare Decisis at its...

Stare Decisis Panel

2019 Kentucky Chapters Conference

On October 7, 2019, The Federalist Society held a panel on Stare Decisis at its...

Federalism and Environmental Law

2016 Annual Florida Chapters Conference

This panel will discuss whether we have Federal overreach in this environmental law area, such...

Click to play: Federalism and Environmental Law

Federalism and Environmental Law

2016 Annual Florida Chapters Conference

This panel will discuss whether we have Federal overreach in this environmental law area, such...