Credentials Not Required: Why an Employee’s Significant Religious Functions Should Suffice to Trigger the Ministerial Exception

Credentials Not Required: Why an Employee’s Significant Religious Functions Should Suffice to Trigger the Ministerial Exception

Federalist Society Review, Volume 20

Note from the Editor:  The Federalist Society takes no positions on particular legal and public...

Constitutional Vagueness Today

Imagine a criminal statute commanded: “Don’t be a jerk.”  Or: “Thou shalt not be unpleasant.” ...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2023?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2023?

Co-Sponsored by the Faculty Division and Practice Groups

On September 26, 2023, the Federalist Society's Faculty Division and Practice Groups will host a panel at the Mayflower...