Panel 2: Congress vs. Agencies: Balancing Checks and Efficiency: Gridlock, Organized Interests, and Regulatory Capture

2012 National Student Symposium

The administrative state is often defended as a necessary response to modern conditions that make...

Click to play: Panel 2: Congress vs. Agencies: Balancing Checks and Efficiency: Gridlock, Organized Interests, and Regulatory Capture

Panel 2: Congress vs. Agencies: Balancing Checks and Efficiency: Gridlock, Organized Interests, and Regulatory Capture

2012 National Student Symposium

The administrative state is often defended as a necessary response to modern conditions that make...

Regulation by Litigation: Boon or Bane?

Center for Business Law & Regulation at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Administrative Law Practice Group, and Litigation Practice Group

Federal regulators, state attorneys general and plaintiffs attorneys increasingly rely upon litigation to impose regulatory...