Administrative Law: Executive Branch Gone Wild? 21st Century Checks and Balances

2013 National Lawyers Convention

Has Congress has over-delegated to agencies and failed to provide meaningful oversight?  Should Congress coordinate...

Click to play: Professional Responsibility: Regulation of the Legal Profession in the 21st Century: Should Professional Regulation Favor Social Policy over Client Protection?

Professional Responsibility: Regulation of the Legal Profession in the 21st Century: Should Professional Regulation Favor Social Policy over Client Protection?

2013 National Lawyers Convention

In 1990, the Supreme Court unanimously held that an integrated state bar association, which all...

Click to play: Intellectual Property: IP and Parallel Importation—Should the U.S., Through IP Laws and Other Means, Protect Businesses from “Gray Goods” Imported Without Manufacturers’ Authorization?

Intellectual Property: IP and Parallel Importation—Should the U.S., Through IP Laws and Other Means, Protect Businesses from “Gray Goods” Imported Without Manufacturers’ Authorization?

2011 National Lawyers Convention

The Intellectual Property Practice Group hosted this panel on "IP and Parallel Importation—Should the U.S.,...