Departmentalism: What is the Executive Role in Interpreting laws?

Departmentalism: What is the Executive Role in Interpreting laws?

2021 Ohio Lawyers Chapters Conference

On May 7, 2021, the Federalist Society's Ohio lawyers chapters hosted the 2021 Ohio Chapters...

Click to play: Non-Delegation? Or No Divesting? Art. I, Sec. 1 at the Founding and Today

Non-Delegation? Or No Divesting? Art. I, Sec. 1 at the Founding and Today

Administrative Law & Regulation and Federalism & Separation of Powers Practice Groups

Whether as the result of hyper-partisanship or as a residue of the constitutional design for...

Click to play: The Trump Presidency’s Impact on the Future of the Conservative/Libertarian Legal Movement

The Trump Presidency’s Impact on the Future of the Conservative/Libertarian Legal Movement

Los Angeles Lawyers Chapter

Five leading conservative and libertarian lawyers assess the impact of the Trump presidency on the...

The Trump Presidency’s Impact on the Future of the Conservative/Libertarian Legal Movement

Los Angeles Lawyers Chapter

Five leading conservative and libertarian lawyers assess the impact of the Trump presidency on the...