One of the country’s most prominent authorities on the intersection of law and philosophy, and widely regarded as the country’s leading theoretician of the criminal law, Professor Moore joined the faculty in 2002 as the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Chair, the first and only university-wide chair for the University of Illinois’ three campuses. He is jointly appointed as professor of law in the College of Law and as a professor with the Center for Advanced Studies, an honor bestowed on faculty on the basis of their outstanding scholarship and among the highest forms of campus recognition. Professor Moore was just the second UI College of Law faculty member to have held such an appointment.
Before coming to Illinois, Professor Moore served as the Warren Distinguished Professor of Law and as co-founder and co-director of the Institute for Law and Philosophy at the University of San Diego. From 1989-2000, he was the Leon Meltzer Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, where he co-founded and directed the University of Pennsylvania Institute for Law and Philosophy.
Over the course of his career, he also has been a professor of law at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Southern California (where he held the Robert Kingsley Chair), and the University of Kansas. In addition, he has been the William Minor Lile Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Virginia, the Florence Rogatz Visiting Professor at the Yale Law School, The Mason Ladd Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Iowa Schools of Law and of Medicine, as well as a visiting professor at Stanford University, Northwestern University, Tel Aviv University in Israel, di Tella University in Buenos Aires, and the Universität Erlangen in Germany.
He has held a number of fellowships and visiting scholar positions, including two in the Law and Humanities Program of Harvard University, five at the Australian National University’s Research School of Social Sciences in Canberra, Australia, and one each at the Humanities Research Institute of the University of California at Irvine, the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio, Italy, the Georgetown University Law Center, the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Neuroscience and Society, and the Yale Law School.
Over an academic career spanning more than 50 years Moore has published more than 140 books, articles, editorials, and other pieces of scholarship, documented recently in a festschrift published in his honor, K. Ferzan and S. Morse, eds., Legal, Moral, and Metaphysical Truth: The Philosophy of Michael S. Moore (Oxford University Press, 2016). He is the author of Placing Blame: A General Theory of the Criminal Law (Oxford University Press, 1997), widely regarded as the leading modern statement of the retributivist theory of the criminal law. In an earlier book, Act and Crime: The Philosophy of Action and its Implications for Criminal Law (Oxford University Press, 1993), Moore provided a unified theory of action that underlies English and American criminal jurisprudence. In a later book, Causation and Responsibility: An Essay in Law, Morals, and Metaphysics (Oxford University Press, 2009), Moore explored the nature of causation and its relation to both moral and legal responsibility. Earlier in his career, he authored Law and Psychiatry: Rethinking the Relationship (Cambridge University Press, 1984), which explored the tension that often exists between legal and psychiatric theories. His latest book, Mechanical Brains and Responsible Choices, still forthcoming, will return to these same issues, this time as they are raised by contemporary neuroscience rather than by dynamic psychiatry.
Professor Moore has presented hundreds of lectures and papers around the world in law, jurisprudence, political theory, legal philosophy, political science, economics, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience, including most recently endowed, named lectures at Duke, Dartmouth, Columbia, Tel Aviv, Pennsylvania universities, as well as the annual Public Philosophy Lecture and the annual Center for Advanced Studies Lecture at the University of Illinois. He is on the board of editors of numerous journals in law and in philosophy and for a decade served as editor-in-chief of the journal, Law and Philosophy.
He regularly rotates his law teaching between first-year courses of criminal law, torts, contracts, property, and constitutional law, and upper-year courses in jurisprudence and legal philosophy. During his 13 years on the Philosophy Department faculty at Illinois he taught undergraduate courses in the philosophy of law and political philosophy and graduate seminars in neuroscience, ethics, the theory of action, and the metaphysics of causation.
A person listed as a contributor has spoken or otherwise participated in Federalist Society events, publications, or multimedia presentations. A person's appearance on this list does not imply any other endorsement or relationship between the person and the Federalist Society. In most cases, the biographical information on a person's "contributor" page is provided directly by the person, and the Federalist Society does not edit or otherwise endorse that information. The Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues. All expressions of opinion by a contributor are those of the contributor.
The Limits of Liberty on the Reach of Criminal Legislation
Arizona Student Chapter
University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law1201 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85721
Panel II: Moral Choices and the Eighth Amendment
2007 National Student Symposium
Northwestern University School of Law375 E Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
Panel I: What is Freedom?: Competing Philosophical and Jurisprudential Perspectives on Liberty
2005 National Student Symposium
Harvard Law School1563 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Panel I: Law and Truth: Pre-Modernism, Modernism, and Post Modernism
2002 National Student Symposium
Yale Law School127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Panel I: Originalism and the Dead Hand [Archive Collection]
1995 National Student Symposium
Northwestern University School of Law375 E Chicago Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
Panel I: Originalism and the Dead Hand [Archive Collection]
1995 National Student Symposium
On April 7-9, 1995, the Federalist Society held its fourteenth annual National Student Symposium at...
Panel I: Originalism and the Dead Hand [Archive Collection]
1995 National Student Symposium
On April 7-9, 1995, the Federalist Society held its fourteenth annual National Student Symposium at...
Panel III: Originalist Theories of Constitutional Interpretation [Archive Collection]
1987 National Student Symposium
On April 3-5, 1987, the Federalist Society's Chicago Student Chapter hosted the sixth annual National...
Panel III: Originalist Theories of Constitutional Interpretation [Archive Collection]
1987 National Student Symposium
On April 3-5, 1987, the Federalist Society's Chicago Student Chapter hosted the sixth annual National...
Panel I: Do We Have an Unwritten Constitution? [Archive Collection]
1988 National Student Symposium
On March 4-5, 1988, The Federalist Society's University of Virginia student chapter hosted the National...