Bar Watch Bulletin August 9 & 10, 2008

Bar Watch Bulletin August 9 & 10, 2008

SCOTUS Review, American Press & War, the 14th Amendment, Human Rights, Climate Change, Women in Law, and Immigration

The American Bar Association's Annual Meeting will be taking place from August 7-12 in New...

Bar Watch Bulletin August 7, 2008

Bar Watch Bulletin August 7, 2008

LGBT Domestic Violence Victims and Minority Obstacles to the Legal Profession

The American Bar Association's Annual Meeting will be taking place from August 7-12 in New...

Deference to Agency Rule Interpretations: Problems of Expanding Constitutionally Questionable Authority in the Administrative State

Deference to Agency Rule Interpretations: Problems of Expanding Constitutionally Questionable Authority in the Administrative State

Federalist Society Review, Volume 19

Note from the Editor: This article argues that, while judicial deference to agency decisions is...