Bar Watch Bulletin January 2004

Bar Watch Bulletin January 2004

2004 Midyear Preview, Tort Reform

--The American Bar Association Midyear Meetings are scheduled from February 5-10 in San Antonio. Once...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2023?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2023?

Co-Sponsored by the Faculty Division and Practice Groups

On September 26, 2023, the Federalist Society's Faculty Division and Practice Groups will host a panel at the Mayflower...

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Co-sponsored by the Practice Groups, the Washington DC Lawyers Chapter, and the Faculty Division

October 1st marks the first day of the 2012 Supreme Court Term. Thus far the...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Co-sponsored by the Practice Groups, the Washington DC Lawyers Chapter, and the Faculty Division

October 1st marks the first day of the 2012 Supreme Court Term. Thus far the...