Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2013?

Co-sponsored by the Practice Groups and the Faculty Division

October 7th will mark the first day of the 2013 Supreme Court term. Thus far,...

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Co-sponsored by the Practice Groups, the Washington DC Lawyers Chapter, and the Faculty Division

October 1st marks the first day of the 2012 Supreme Court Term. Thus far the...

Click to play: Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Supreme Court Preview: What Is in Store for October Term 2012?

Co-sponsored by the Practice Groups, the Washington DC Lawyers Chapter, and the Faculty Division

October 1st marks the first day of the 2012 Supreme Court Term. Thus far the...

New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

Religious Liberties Practice Group and Georgetown Student Chapter

The protection of conscience for health care providers has, in some arguments, been pitted against...

Click to play: New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

New Conscience Regulations from the Department of Health & Human Services: Do They Strike the Right Balance Between Conscience and the Medical Profession?

Religious Liberties Practice Group and Georgetown Student Chapter

The protection of conscience for health care providers has, in some arguments, been pitted against...