Click to play: Apple v. Pepper: When Can a Private Individual Sue for an Antitrust Violation?

Apple v. Pepper: When Can a Private Individual Sue for an Antitrust Violation?

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Video

Private individuals are allowed to file antitrust suits against corporations. However, it is not always...

Click to play: Court-Packing, Term Limits, and More: The Debate Over Reforming the Judiciary

Court-Packing, Term Limits, and More: The Debate Over Reforming the Judiciary

Federalism and Separation of Powers Practice Group Teleforum

On December 16, 2020, The Federalist Society's Federalism and Separation of Powers Practice Group hosted...

Court-Packing, Term Limits, and More: The Debate Over Reforming the Judiciary

Court-Packing, Term Limits, and More: The Debate Over Reforming the Judiciary

Federalism and Separation of Powers Practice Group Teleforum

On December 16, 2020, The Federalist Society's Federalism and Separation of Powers Practice Group hosted...