Deep Dive Episode 158 – Courthouse Steps Oral Arguments: AMG Capital Management v. FTC

Deep Dive Episode 158 – Courthouse Steps Oral Arguments: AMG Capital Management v. FTC

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

On January 13, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in AMG Capital Management v. FTC, a...

Two RTP Short Films Recognized by Film Festivals

The Regulatory Transparency Project is pleased to share that two short films from its “Fourth Branch” series...

Deep Dive Episode 155 – International Reference Pricing and Negotiation: Yes or No?

Deep Dive Episode 155 – International Reference Pricing and Negotiation: Yes or No?

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

Drug prices are a pressing policy issue. On November 20, 2020, President Donald Trump announced two new...

Click to play: Apple v. Pepper: When Can a Private Individual Sue for an Antitrust Violation?

Apple v. Pepper: When Can a Private Individual Sue for an Antitrust Violation?

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Video

Private individuals are allowed to file antitrust suits against corporations. However, it is not always...

Deep Dive Episode 154 – Tech Policy Under the Biden Administration and 117th Congress

Deep Dive Episode 154 – Tech Policy Under the Biden Administration and 117th Congress

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

In this episode, an expert panel looks at what the new year may bring regarding the...

Deep Dive Episode 153 – Reboot Conversations: The Future of Drone Policy

Deep Dive Episode 153 – Reboot Conversations: The Future of Drone Policy

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

There are nearly 500,000 commercial drones registered in the United States, far exceeding recent FAA...