Extraterritorial Ambition: State Energy Taxes and the Question of Imported Electricity

Extraterritorial Ambition: State Energy Taxes and the Question of Imported Electricity

Federalist Society Review, Volume 19

Note from the Editor: This article discusses the extraterritoriality doctrine and whether and how it...

Deference Doctrines and the Clean Water Act

Deference Doctrines and the Clean Water Act

Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group, Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group, and Regulatory Transparency Project

Recently, Justices of the Supreme Court have called the Court’s deference jurisprudence into significant question....

Administrator Pruitt’s First Year at EPA

Administrator Pruitt’s First Year at EPA

Environmental Law & Property Rights, Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Groups, and Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum

When President Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, environmentalists...