Administrator Pruitt’s First Year at EPA

Environmental Law & Property Rights, Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Groups, and Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum

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When President Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, environmentalists warned that Pruitt would "make America gasp again." After all, as Attorney General of Oklahoma, Pruitt had sued EPA several times to challenge the Agency’s environmental regulations.

One year into Pruitt’s tenure as Administrator, his Agency claims that it is “focusing on cleaning up contaminated lands, improving air quality, and rebuilding America’s water infrastructure”—all while restoring cooperative federalism and rescinding costly regulations. Panelists Jeff Holmstead and John Walke and Moderator Adam Gustafson will join us to review Administrator Pruitt’s first year at EPA, evaluating the Agency’s priorities and its progress and discussing EPA’s evolving role.


Jeffrey R. Holmstead, Partner, Bracewell LLP

John Walke, Director, Natural Resources Defense Council, Clean Air Project, Climate & Clean Air Program

Moderator: Adam Gustafson, Partner, Boyden Gray & Associates PLLC.

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