Pushing Pause on Liquified Natural Gas Exports: Can the Department of Energy Halt LNG Exports to Save the Planet?

Pushing Pause on Liquified Natural Gas Exports: Can the Department of Energy Halt LNG Exports to Save the Planet?

Federalist Society Review, Volume 25

The Biden-Harris Administration recently interrupted the normal, export-friendly operation of the Natural Gas Act, triggering...

Defend the Constitution, Save the Planet: The Role of Public Interest Groups in Shaping Environmental Law

2023 National Lawyers Convention

The United States adopted its modern environmental statutes in the 1970s. Among other innovations, Congress...

Click to play: Defend the Constitution, Save the Planet: The Role of Public Interest Groups in Shaping Environmental Law

Defend the Constitution, Save the Planet: The Role of Public Interest Groups in Shaping Environmental Law

2023 National Lawyers Convention

The United States adopted its modern environmental statutes in the 1970s. Among other innovations, Congress...