Evaluating the EPA’s Proposals to Retain the Existing Particulate Matter and Ozone Standards

Evaluating the EPA’s Proposals to Retain the Existing Particulate Matter and Ozone Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed retaining both the existing particulate matter and ozone primary...

Deep Dive Episode 135 – Evaluating the EPA’s Proposals to Retain the Existing Particulate Matter and Ozone Standards

Deep Dive Episode 135 – Evaluating the EPA’s Proposals to Retain the Existing Particulate Matter and Ozone Standards

Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast

The Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed retaining both the existing particulate matter and ozone primary...

Justice Department and Marijuana Enforcement

Justice Department and Marijuana Enforcement

Criminal Law & Procedure Practice Group, Federalism & Separation of Powers Practice Group, and Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum

On Thursday, January 4th, Attorney General Jeff Sessions withdrew a Justice Department memo issued in...

Will Net Neutrality Survive the Congressional Review Act?

Will Net Neutrality Survive the Congressional Review Act?

Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group and Regulatory Transparency Project Teleforum

With the official publication of the FCC's Open Internet Order, opponents in Congress will commence...