Aug 1 2017 Video Short Videos Regulatory Takings Law: Penn Central v. City of New York Eric R. Claeys Short video featuring Eric Claeys Why is a state or local government more likely to prevail against a landowner in...
Feb 11 2015 Podcast The Reach of Federal Warrants - The Microsoft Case - Podcast David Howard, James M. Garland Criminal Law & Procedure Practice Group Podcast In December of 2014, Microsoft filed a brief with the Federal Court of Appeals for...
Sep 26 2014 Podcast Federal Monitoring of Local Policing - Podcast Samuel Walker, William G. Otis Criminal Law & Procedure Practice Group Podcast Is it within a federal court's authority to order local police officers to wear video...
Oct 6 2015 Blog Post Executive Branch Review Municipal IDs: Good Enough for Opening a Bank Account? Jörg Fedtke, Wayne A. Abernathy In the latest episode in a decade-long saga of efforts to involve them in the...
May 17 2017 Podcast California Public Employees’ Retirement System v. ANZ Securities - Post-Argument SCOTUScast Paul J. Stancil SCOTUScast 5-17-17 featuring Paul Stancil On April 17, 2017, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in California Public Employees’ Retirement...
Dec 16 2015 Blog Post News E.P.A. Broke Law With Social Media Push for Water Rule, Auditor Finds Mark Agrast, Timothy Courtney The New York Times reports: The Environmental Protection Agency engaged in “covert propaganda” and violated federal law...
May 1 2017 Publication Federalist Society Review New Applications of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act to Vote Denial Cases Maya Noronha Federalist Society Review, Volume 18 Note from the Editor: This article discusses recent federal appellate court decisions with respect to...
Aug 31 2017 Podcast Warning to Corporate Counsel: If State AGs Can Do This to ExxonMobil, How Safe Is Your Company? - Podcast John S. Baker Corporations, Securities, & Antitrust Practice Group Podcast Nation-states have long fought wars for control of oil. In a novel development, American states...
Aug 28 2015 Publication Federalist Society Review Human Responsibility, Not Legal Personhood, For Nonhuman Animals Richard L. Cupp Engage Volume 16, Issue 2 Introduction We should focus on human legal accountability for responsible treatment of nonhuman animals rather...
Jan 31 2014 Publication State Court Docket Watch Maryland Court of Appeals Limits Asbestos Liability Michael J. Ellis State Court Docket Watch Article For decades, asbestos cases have wound their way through state and federal courts. The first...
Regulatory Takings Law: Penn Central v. City of New York
Eric R. Claeys
Short video featuring Eric Claeys
Why is a state or local government more likely to prevail against a landowner in...
The Reach of Federal Warrants - The Microsoft Case - Podcast
David Howard, James M. Garland
Criminal Law & Procedure Practice Group Podcast
In December of 2014, Microsoft filed a brief with the Federal Court of Appeals for...
Federal Monitoring of Local Policing - Podcast
Samuel Walker, William G. Otis
Criminal Law & Procedure Practice Group Podcast
Is it within a federal court's authority to order local police officers to wear video...
Municipal IDs: Good Enough for Opening a Bank Account?
In the latest episode in a decade-long saga of efforts to involve them in the...
California Public Employees’ Retirement System v. ANZ Securities - Post-Argument SCOTUScast
Paul J. Stancil
SCOTUScast 5-17-17 featuring Paul Stancil
On April 17, 2017, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in California Public Employees’ Retirement...
E.P.A. Broke Law With Social Media Push for Water Rule, Auditor Finds
The New York Times reports: The Environmental Protection Agency engaged in “covert propaganda” and violated federal law...
New Applications of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act to Vote Denial Cases
Maya Noronha
Federalist Society Review, Volume 18
Note from the Editor: This article discusses recent federal appellate court decisions with respect to...
Warning to Corporate Counsel: If State AGs Can Do This to ExxonMobil, How Safe Is Your Company? - Podcast
John S. Baker
Corporations, Securities, & Antitrust Practice Group Podcast
Nation-states have long fought wars for control of oil. In a novel development, American states...
Human Responsibility, Not Legal Personhood, For Nonhuman Animals
Richard L. Cupp
Engage Volume 16, Issue 2
Introduction We should focus on human legal accountability for responsible treatment of nonhuman animals rather...
Maryland Court of Appeals Limits Asbestos Liability
Michael J. Ellis
State Court Docket Watch Article
For decades, asbestos cases have wound their way through state and federal courts. The first...