Reboot 2018 Conference

Regulatory Transparency Project Co-Sponsored Event

The Regulatory Transparency Project is proud to co-sponsor the fifth annual Lincoln Network Reboot conference. Join us for the conference on September 20-21, 2018 in the heart of San Francisco. This event brings together technologists, founders, politicos, policymakers and investors for an invitation-only full-day session. We provide you access to interactive programming, exclusive networking opportunities, and keynote presentations from leading voices in technology and policy.

This year’s theme is “innovation under threat,” focusing on rising fears over the impact of technology on society. Sessions will examine topics such as the rise of hipster antitrust, changing perspectives on disruption, social media as a threat to democracy, and job loss from automation. Are these fears justified, or should we embrace techno-optimism in the face of them? To answer these questions, we’ll hear the perspectives of leaders in government, venture capital, big tech, startups, policy experts, and more. Come join us, and equip yourself to better understand the policies that will shape the future.

Click here to view the conference agenda.

Registration & Breakfast (8:00 AM - 8:45 AM)

Welcome by Lincoln (8:45 AM - 8:55 AM)

  • Welcome and opening remarks by the organizers.
  • Speakers: Garrett Johnson, Executive Director at Lincoln Network; Zach Graves, Head of Policy at Lincoln Network

Fireside Chat: Bridging the Gap Between Silicon Valley and DC (8:55 AM - 9:25 AM)

  • How should we best understand the gap between Silicon Valley and DC? What are effective tools for bridging it?
  • Speakers: Jennifer Pahlka, Founder and Executive Director at Code for America; Garrett Johnson, Executive Director at Lincoln Network (Moderator)

Panel: Is Social Media a Threat to Democracy? Fake News, Filter Bubbles, and Deep Fakes (9:25 AM - 10:15 AM)

  • Social media companies are under increasing scrutiny for their effect on American society. According to critics, these platforms promote hyper-partisanship, disinformation, extremism and even violence. They are also blamed for facilitating Russian-sponsored voter manipulation during the 2016 election. Our panel of experts will discuss these challenges as well as their implications for the upcoming election.
  • Speakers: Mike Godwin, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the R Street Institute; Renee DiResta, Policy Lead at Data for Democracy; Berin Szoka, Executive Director at TechFreedom; Lorelei Kelly, Fellow at the Beeck Center at Georgetown University (Moderator)

Recharge Break (10:15 AM - 10:35 AM)

Fireside Chat: Disruption and Civil Disobedience: Are Startups Getting Risk Averse About Fighting Regulation? (10:35 AM - 11:05 AM)

  • We used to praise disruptors who flagrantly challenged outdated regulations. But the boundary-pushing of some companies has left a bad taste. Has this chilled the willingness of the next wave of startups and investors to take the same kinds of risks? Has this made policymakers more willing to intervene early? What’s the best legal framework to approach disruptive technologies?
  • Speakers: Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Zach Graves, Head of Policy at Lincoln Network (Moderator)

Policy Keynote (11:05 AM - 11:25 AM)

  • Michael Kratsios, Deputy Assistant to the President for Technology Policy at the White House; Katie McAuliffe, Federal Affairs Manager & Executive Director for Digital Liberty at Americans for Tax Reform (Moderator)

Panel: Helping Congress Understand Tech (11:25 AM - 12:15 PM)

  • For anyone who watched the recent hearings with Mark Zuckerberg, it’s clear there’s a disconnect between Silicon Valley and Washington. In particular, Congress’s lack of understanding of tech and culture divide with the West Coast means it’s more likely to enact laws with unintended consequences, or take a heavy-handed approach where a light-touch is needed. This panel will discuss the current political landscape, the nature of the problem, and look towards potential solutions.
  • Speakers: Daniel Schuman, Policy Director at Demand Progress; Travis Moore, Founder and Director at TechCongress; Jean Bordewich, Program Officer for the Madison Initiative at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Zach Graves, Head of Policy at Lincoln Network (Moderator)

Networking Lunch (12:15 PM - 1:00 PM)

Debate: "What Has Big Tech Ever Done for Us?" - Towards A 21st Century Competition Policy (1:00 PM - 1:50 PM)

  • Increasing skepticism about the influence and power of big tech companies has given rise to expanded calls for government to break up, punish or regulate the tech industry. We’ll bring together experts on all sides to debate the impact of big tech on society, and whether we need to rethink competition policy for the modern era. Moderated three way debate.
  • Speakers: Hal Singer, Principal at Economists Incorporated; Matt Stoller, Fellow at the Open Markets Institute; Geoff Manne, President and Founder at the International Center for Law and Economics; Corynne McSherry, Legal Director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (Moderator)

Panel: Are We Headed for a U.S. GDPR? (1:50 PM - 2:40 PM)

  • With continued scrutiny over social media companies’ data practices, states are stepping in to pass aggressive new privacy laws. For instance, the recently enacted California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 will be the toughest data privacy law in the nation when it goes into effect in 2020. But with fears over navigating a patchwork of inconsistent laws, tech companies are increasingly interested in a federal privacy bill that will preempt the states. What might this look like, how likely is it to happen in the next Congress, and what will it mean for consumers?
  • Speakers: Neil Chilson, Senior Research Fellow at the Charles Koch Institute; Jamie Boone, Senior Director, Government Affairs at the Consumer Technology Association; Chris Riley, Director of Public Policy at Mozilla; Anne Hobson, Program Manager at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University (Moderator)

Panel: Will Rising Activism Limit Government's Access to Silicon Valley? (2:40 PM - 3:30 PM)

  • While Silicon Valley has deep roots in building tools for government–particularly defense applications–a culture shift has led to increased politicization and push back against working collaboratively with government. This panel will discuss the current cultural landscape, policy issues surrounding defense innovation, and rising pressure to restrict downstream uses of open platforms.
  • Speakers: Trae Stephens, Partner at Founders Fund; Pablo E. Carrillo, Of Counsel at Squire Patton Boggs; Katie McAuliffe, Federal Affairs Manager & Executive Director for Digital Liberty at Americans for Tax Reform (Moderator)

Recharge Break (3:30 PM - 3:50 PM)

Panel: Are Tech Companies Silencing Unpopular Voices? (3:50 PM - 4:40 PM)

  • A number of recent congressional hearings have centered around fears that social media companies are unfairly discriminating against conservatives, whether for their religious views on social policy, or rhetoric around issues such as immigration or gun control. President Trump has even said he’s looking into it. But are these concerns justified? How should platforms balance free expression against pressure to be aggressive moderators? This panel includes an interactive exercise.
  • Speakers: Eric Goldman, Professor at Santa Clara University School of Law; Corynne McSherry, Legal Director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, National Religious Broadcasters; Jesse Blumenthal, Manager of Tech and Innovation at the Charles Koch Institute (Moderator)

Fireside Chat: Harnessing the Disruptive Power of Decentralized Networks (4:40 PM - 5:10 PM)

  • Speakers: Mike Maples, Jr., Founding Partner at Floodgate Capital, Ellen Satterwhite, Vice President at Glen Echo Group (Moderator)

Panel: Can We Still be Optimistic About the Future of Work? (5:10 PM - 6:00 PM)

  • From robots to the gig economy, anxieties are rising about technology’s impact on labor and the future of work. While we may have to overcome significant disruptions and other challenges, are there still good reasons to be optimistic? Our expert panel will discuss the current political and policy landscape.
  • Speakers: Liya Palagashvili, Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY-Purchase College]; Tiffany Moore, Senior Vice President for Political and Industry Affairs at the Consumer Technology Association; Katie Biber, General Counsel at Thumbtack; Caleb Watney, Fellow at R Street Institute (Moderator)

Closing Reception (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM)


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