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Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moodey will deliever the opening remarks at the Federalist Society's Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference.
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
In recent years, the push for consideration of "Environmental, Social, Governance" criteria ("ESG") in government/regulatory policy has gained steam. Institutional investors are also pushing ESG and corporate America is responding. Many companies have embraced “stakeholder capitalism” and as a result are taking public stands on voting rights, gun control, and other social issues.
Some are concerned about the economic and societal impact of these activities, and pushback is occurring in the form of judicial challenges to regulatory rulemaking, new state laws against divestiture and defunding of energy production and gun sales, and state antitrust investigations of institutional investor groups seeking environmental and social change at public companies.
Panelists will discuss the current state of play of “woke capitalism”, and efforts to address agency actions and those of private sector entities.
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
State courts are often faced with cases raising arguments under state and federal law. If there are similar provisions in both the United States Constitution and the Florida Constitution, how should judges interpret these provisions? Must they be interpreted in the same way? If not, what is needed to justify a court's decision to interpret text in the state constitution differently than similar (or even identical) text in the United States Constitution?
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
A Conversation with the Chiefs
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Our panelists will share how and why they decided to pursue opportunities in public interest litigation, what benefits public interest litigation serves, and the special practice concerns that come with litigating issues that draw public attention.
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
This panel will focus on the lasting impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on law and public policy, and how such impact will shape state and federal government response to the next crisis. Panelists will address such topics as the FDA, CDC, and public health regulation, education policy, vaccine mandates, mandatory lockdowns/shutdowns, and PPP and other Covid-19 relief programs (including related fraud investigations).
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Under the U.S. Constitution, does the state legislative body, independent of any constraints by state courts or other laws, have sole authority to regulate federal elections? In Moore v. Harper, the Supreme Court will decide whether the North Carolina Supreme Court has the power to strike down a legislature’s congressional map for violating the North Carolina Constitution. The legislators have argued that the "independent state legislature theory renders the state courts and state constitution powerless in matters relating to federal elections.
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
A Conversation with Hon. Betsy DeVos.
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference
Ninth Annual Florida Chapters Conference