Do Sue and Settle Practices Undermine Congressional Intent for Cooperative Federalism on Environmental Matters?

Do Sue and Settle Practices Undermine Congressional Intent for Cooperative Federalism on Environmental Matters?

Engage Volume 15, Issue 2

Note from the Editor: This article is about whether sue and settle practices undermine congressional...

The Oklahoma Attorney General's Plan: The Clean Air Act Section 111(d) Framework that Preserves States' Rights

Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group

Under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency is poised to...

Click to play: The Oklahoma Attorney General's Plan: The Clean Air Act Section 111(d) Framework that Preserves States' Rights

The Oklahoma Attorney General's Plan: The Clean Air Act Section 111(d) Framework that Preserves States' Rights

Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group

Under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency is poised to...