Sponsored by the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and the Practice Groups of the Federalist Society
In 2013 voters in Colorado and Washington legalized the possession of marijuana under state law....
Sponsored by the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and the Practice Groups of the Federalist Society
In 2013 voters in Colorado and Washington legalized the possession of marijuana under state law....
Business and the Roberts Court - Podcast
Jonathan H. Adler, Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Richard J. Lazarus
Litigation Practice Group Teleforum
In recent years, the Supreme Court appears to have taken a greater interest in "business"...
Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor - Post-Decision SCOTUScast
Carrie Campbell Severino, Jonathan H. Adler
SCOTUScast 7-8-13 featuring Carrie Severino and Jonathan Adler
On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court announced its decision in Hollingsworth v. Perry and United...
Constitutional Limitations of Federal Environmental Protection - Transcript
David B. Sentelle, Jonathan H. Adler, John C. Eastman, John D. Echeverria, Robert V. Percival
The Environmental Law & Property Rights Practice Group sponsored this panel during the 2003 National...
City of Arlington - How much Deference? - Podcast
Thomas W. Merrill, Jonathan H. Adler, Eileen J. O'Connor, Dean Reuter
Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group Podcast
On May 20, the U.S. Supreme Court decided City of Arlington v. FCC. The Supreme Court...
Williams v. Pennsylvania - Post-Decision SCOTUScast
Cassandra Burke Robertson
SCOTUScast 6-15-16 featuring Cassandra Burke Robertson
On June 9, 2016, the Supreme Court decided Williams v. Pennsylvania. Terrance Williams was convicted and...
Marijuana and the States: How Should Federalism Principles Inform the Federal Government'’s Response to State Marijuana Initiatives?
Jonathan H. Adler, Robert Alt, John C. Eastman, Michael Francisco, George J. Terwilliger
Sponsored by the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and the Practice Groups of the Federalist Society
In 2013 voters in Colorado and Washington legalized the possession of marijuana under state law....
Marijuana and the States: How Should Federalism Principles Inform the Federal Government'’s Response to State Marijuana Initiatives?
Jonathan H. Adler, Robert Alt, John C. Eastman, Michael Francisco, George J. Terwilliger
Sponsored by the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and the Practice Groups of the Federalist Society
In 2013 voters in Colorado and Washington legalized the possession of marijuana under state law....
Does the U.S. Constitution Require Same-Sex Marriage?
Jonathan H. Adler, Jacob Huebert, Mark P. Strasser, Edward Whelan
Columbus Lawyers Chapter
Does the Fourteenth Amendment require states to recognize same-sex marriages? A recent California federal district...
Climate Policy Heats Up: What’s Not Cool About Global Warming Regulations
Jonathan H. Adler, Matthew Saltzman
Las Vegas Lawyers Chapter
In 2007, the Supreme Court declared that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are "pollutants"...
Climate Policy Heats Up: What’s Not Cool About Global Warming Regulations
Jonathan H. Adler, Matthew Saltzman
Las Vegas Lawyers Chapter
In 2007, the Supreme Court declared that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are "pollutants"...