Gay Marriage and the Role of the Judiciary

Civil Rights Practice Group and Religious Liberties Practice Group

On May 15, 2008, the California Supreme Court decided In re Marriage Cases.  In a...

Click to play: Panel II: Charity: Whether and, if so, How Our Tax Laws Affect Charitable Activities, Religious Institutions, and Free Speech

Panel II: Charity: Whether and, if so, How Our Tax Laws Affect Charitable Activities, Religious Institutions, and Free Speech

Our Nation's Founding Principles and Our Tax Code - Consistent or In Conflict?

The Federalist Society's 2008 Tax Policy Conference titled "Our Nation's Founding Principles and Our Tax Code...

Panel II: Charity: Whether and, if so, How Our Tax Laws Affect Charitable Activities, Religious Institutions, and Free Speech

Our Nation's Founding Principles and Our Tax Code - Consistent or In Conflict?

The Federalist Society's 2008 Tax Policy Conference titled "Our Nation's Founding Principles and Our Tax Code...