Congressional Oversight and Investigations: New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

Congressional Oversight and Investigations: New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

Article I Initiative and Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group Teleforum

With Democrats holding power in both houses of Congress and the White House, how will...

Necessary & Proper Episode 70: Congressional Oversight and Investigations – New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

Necessary & Proper Episode 70: Congressional Oversight and Investigations – New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

With Democrats holding power in both houses of Congress and the White House, how will...

Click to play: Congressional Oversight and Investigations: New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

Congressional Oversight and Investigations: New Developments and Outlook for the 117th Congress

Article I Initiative and Administrative Law & Regulation Practice Group Teleforum

With Democrats holding power in both houses of Congress and the White House, how will...