May 4 2021 Topics Civil Rights Blog Post News Book Review: A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education Alexander M. Heideman A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education, edited by Gail Heriot & Maimon...
Aug 3 2021 Podcast RTP's Fourth Branch Podcast Deep Dive Episode 191 – Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast “A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education” is a collection of eight essays...
Jul 27 2021 Video FedSoc Forums Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild Civil Rights Practice Group Teleforum A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education is a collection of eight essays written...
Dec 1 2021 Topics Civil Rights Blog Post News Why Racial Preferences Harm Higher Education George Leef An article of faith among leftists is that we must give preferences to certain “underrepresented”...
Aug 13 1999 Publication Did the Law Cause Columbine? George Nicholson, Ann Beeson, William F. Kilpatrick, J. Harvie Wilkinson, Michael J. Horowitz, James Rapp, Troy A. Eid Transcript APPEARANCES:JUDGE GEORGE NICHOLSON (Court of Appeals, State of California)PANELISTS:MR. TROY EID (Discussion Leader) (Chief Counsel...
Jul 27 2021 Podcast FedSoc Forums Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild Civil Rights Practice Group Teleforum A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education is a collection of eight essays written...
Book Review: A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education
A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education, edited by Gail Heriot & Maimon...
Deep Dive Episode 191 – Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency
Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild
Regulatory Transparency Project's Fourth Branch Podcast
“A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education” is a collection of eight essays...
Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency
Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild
Civil Rights Practice Group Teleforum
A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education is a collection of eight essays written...
Why Racial Preferences Harm Higher Education
An article of faith among leftists is that we must give preferences to certain “underrepresented”...
Did the Law Cause Columbine?
George Nicholson, Ann Beeson, William F. Kilpatrick, J. Harvie Wilkinson, Michael J. Horowitz, James Rapp, Troy A. Eid
APPEARANCES:JUDGE GEORGE NICHOLSON (Court of Appeals, State of California)PANELISTS:MR. TROY EID (Discussion Leader) (Chief Counsel...
Talks with Authors: A Dubious Expediency
Gail L. Heriot, Maimon Schwarzschild
Civil Rights Practice Group Teleforum
A Dubious Expediency: How Race Preferences Damage Higher Education is a collection of eight essays written...