Click to play: Administrative Law: Executive Branch Gone Wild? 21st Century Checks and Balances

Administrative Law: Executive Branch Gone Wild? 21st Century Checks and Balances

2013 National Lawyers Convention

Has Congress has over-delegated to agencies and failed to provide meaningful oversight?  Should Congress coordinate...

Administrative Law: Executive Branch Gone Wild? 21st Century Checks and Balances

2013 National Lawyers Convention

Has Congress has over-delegated to agencies and failed to provide meaningful oversight?  Should Congress coordinate...

Click to play: Professional Responsibility & Legal Education: Using Judicial Processes for Political Purposes

Professional Responsibility & Legal Education: Using Judicial Processes for Political Purposes

2016 National Lawyers Convention

“Those who won our independence," Justice Brandeis wrote nearly a century ago, “eschewed silence coerced...

Professional Responsibility & Legal Education: Using Judicial Processes for Political Purposes

2016 National Lawyers Convention

“Those who won our independence," Justice Brandeis wrote nearly a century ago, “eschewed silence coerced...