Individual Property Takings: Stop the Beach Renourishment v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Environmental Law Practice Group

In Stop the Beach Renourishment, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the Florida Supreme...

Click to play: Panel I: The President's Powers as Commander-in-Chief vs. Congress's War Power and Appropriations Power [Archive Collection]

Panel I: The President's Powers as Commander-in-Chief vs. Congress's War Power and Appropriations Power [Archive Collection]

Foreign Affairs and the Constitution

On November 6-7, 1987, The Federalist Society held a symposium at the Grand Hyatt Hotel...

Panel I: The President's Powers as Commander-in-Chief vs. Congress's War Power and Appropriations Power [Archive Collection]

Foreign Affairs and the Constitution

On November 6-7, 1987, The Federalist Society held a symposium at the Grand Hyatt Hotel...