TO: Interested PartiesFROM: Kellyanne Conway, President & CEO the polling company™, inc./WomenTrendDATE: October 13, 2010RE: Key Findings: Statewide Survey of...
TO: Interested PartiesFROM: Kellyanne Conway, President & CEO the polling company™, inc./WomenTrendDATE: October 12, 2010RE: Key Findings from Statewide Survey...
"A Dubious Expediency: How Racial Preferential Admissions on Campus Hurt Minority Students"
"We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer...
2015 ABA Annual Meeting Report: Programming
From July 30th to August 4th, the American Bar Association met in Chicago for its...
Key Findings: Statewide Survey of 600 Registered Voters in California
Kellyanne Conway
State Courts Survey
TO: Interested PartiesFROM: Kellyanne Conway, President & CEO the polling company™, inc./WomenTrendDATE: October 13, 2010RE: Key Findings: Statewide Survey of...
Key Findings from Statewide Survey of 500 Likely Voters in Michigan
Kellyanne Conway
State Courts Survey
TO: Interested PartiesFROM: Kellyanne Conway, President & CEO the polling company™, inc./WomenTrendDATE: October 12, 2010RE: Key Findings from Statewide Survey...
The EEOC as Unwise Gambler
All federal court opinions that begin with Kenny Rogers quotations are worth blogging about, even...
Race, Sex, and the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Bill
Roger B. Clegg
New Federal Initiatives Project
Brought to you by the Civil Rights Practice GroupThe Federalist Society takes no position on...
Update: Overview of the White House Office on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Brought to you by the Religious Liberties Practice GroupThe Federalist Society takes no position on particular...
The Kagan Nomination
Carrie Campbell Severino, Scott Moss, Richard H. Pildes
Online Debate
Updated: 6 PM, May 13, 2010 On May 10, 2010, President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena...
Religious Liberty after Scalia
Some people opine that Antonin Scalia was not a friend of religious liberty, and that...
Privileges or Immunities: More Than a Nullity, But Not Boundless
The Federalist Society is pleased to announce its Student Blog Initiative, a project of the...