Marijuana, Monopolies, and Ohio’s Constitution: A Timely Debate on Issues 2 and 3

Columbus Lawyers Chapter


  • Hon. Bill Seitz, Ohio Senate, 8th District
  • Maurice Thompson, Executive Director, 1851 Legal Center
  • Responsible Ohio


  • Hon. Bill Seitz, Ohio Senate, 8th District
  • Maurice Thompson, Executive Director, 1851 Legal Center
  • Responsible Ohio

On November 3rd, Ohio voters will consider Issues 2 and 3. The former would
amend the process by which citizen initiatives could establish economic
monopolies, oligopolies, cartels, or special privileges in the Ohio Constitution.
The latter would amend Ohio’s Constitution to legalize marijuana under Ohio law
and create 10 facilities with exclusive commercial rights to grow the drug. To
debate the pros and cons of these issues, we have assembled a distinguished panel
of experts in antitrust law, state initiatives, and drug policy.


The cost is $20 ($15 if you already paid Columbus Lawyers Chapter dues for the
2015-2016 program year and $5 for students). Lunch is included. RSVP online
at by October 26 to guarantee your seat,
meal, and nametag. Call Erin Sutter at (614) 224-4422 or email
[email protected] with any questions. To join or renew your dues for
the Columbus Lawyers Chapter, please bring a check for an additional $25 payable
to The Federalist Society or pay the dues through the Eventbrite website.