Gun Rights Headed to SCOTUS Yet Again?

Civil Rights Practice Group Teleforum

Gun Rights Headed to SCOTUS Yet Again?In the wake of the landmark Supreme Court Second Amendment cases, District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, there are follow-on cases pending across the United States at various levels. Last week, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the only statewide ban on carrying a concealed weapon. Other federal courts of appeals have been more reluctant to strike down state and local gun laws regulating the sale, possession and use of guns. How significant is the Seventh Circuit decision? How significant is the circuit split, and does it mean yet another Supreme Court Second Amendment case?


  • Prof. Michael O’Shea, Oklahoma City University School of Law
  • Prof. Adam Winkler, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law

Gun Rights Headed to SCOTUS Yet Again?In the wake of the landmark Supreme Court Second Amendment cases, District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, there are follow-on cases pending across the United States at various levels.  Last week, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the only statewide ban on carrying a concealed weapon.  Other federal courts of appeals have been more reluctant to strike down state and local gun laws regulating the sale, possession and use of guns.  How significant is the Seventh Circuit decision?  How significant is the circuit split, and does it mean yet another Supreme Court Second Amendment case?


  • Prof. Michael O’Shea, Oklahoma City University School of Law
  • Prof. Adam Winkler, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law

Call begins at 12:00 noon Eastern Time.

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