Debate: Obama's Record at the Supreme Court

St. Louis Lawyers Chapter


  • Stephen R. McAllister, Kansas Solicitor General, former clerk to Supreme Court Justices Byron White and Clarence Thomas 
  • Prof. Doug Williams, SLU School of Law

Since 2009, President Obama's administration has lost a number of high profile cases in which the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the president's legal position.  These include NLRB v. Noel Canning, in which the Court held President Obama abused the recess appointment power, and Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC, in which the Court rejected the administration's arguments limiting the ministerial exception.  Kansas Solicitor General Stephen McAllister and SLU Law School Professor Douglas Williams will debate how this administration's record compares to that of other administrations, whether President Obama has over-exerted the powers of the executive branch, and what we can expect in future litigation involving executive powers.

Register for the event HERE.

Cost: $25.00 for dues-paying Federalist Society
 members, $35.00 for non-members.