Each year, the National Archives and its Office of Government Information Services holds a series of events for "Sunshine Week" to highlight and promote government transparency.
This year's keynote will be a conversion with one of the most consequential trial judges in the past half-century: Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for District of Columbia. Judge Lamberth's jurisprudence has impacted many aspects of American civic life, and his record on government transparency and accountability is no exception. At least at one point, Lamberth had more published FOIA opinions than any other judge. He also has developed key points of law with respect to discovery of government information in national security and class action suits, secrecy of Grand Jury records, and other areas.
I am honored to have the privilege of being the one to interview Judge Lamberth next Monday, March 15, from 1:00-2:00 Eastern Time. (A second panel will follow from 2:00-3:00.) Details about registration on WebEx, and streaming on Youtube, are available