Click to play: Leave a Decent Comment: Section 230 & the Fight for the Future of the Internet

Leave a Decent Comment: Section 230 & the Fight for the Future of the Internet

Short film featuring Chris Cox, Ted Cruz, Ashkhen Kazaryan, Rachel Bovard, and Jeff Kosseff

When politicians and big tech clash over political bias, fake news, and content moderation, who...

Click to play: Panel 2: Big Tech and The Future of Section 230

Panel 2: Big Tech and The Future of Section 230

Seventh Annual Texas Chapters Conference

On September 17-18, 2021, The Federalist Society's Texas chapters sponsored the seventh annual Texas Chapters...

Panel 2: Big Tech and The Future of Section 230

Seventh Annual Texas Chapters Conference

On September 17-18, 2021, The Federalist Society's Texas chapters sponsored the seventh annual Texas Chapters...