Nov 13 2003 Publication Media Ownership Rules - Transcript Mark N. Cooper, David Reinhard, Raymond L. Gifford, Stephen F. Williams The Telecommunications Practice Group sponsored this panel during the 2003 National Lawyers Convention on November...
Sep 13 2023 Video Plenary Session #1 Teacher Unions: Roadblocks to Education Reform or Defenders of Teacher and Student Interests? Jonathan Berry, Michael Hartney, David R. Osborne, Ilya Shapiro, Eric Stahlfeld 2023 Education Law & Policy Conference The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the powerful influence of teacher unions in public education. As a...
Nov 17 2001 Publication Federalist Society Review The FCC Versus the Constitution - Transcript Andrew Schwartzman, J. Gregory Sidak, Jane Mago, Randolph May, Stephen F. Williams The Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group sponsored this panel during the 2001 National Lawyers...
May 4 2006 Podcast The Role of Public Utility Commissions Kathleen Q. Abernathy, Larry S. Landis, Randolph May, Connie Murray, Gregory E. Sopkin 2006 Telecommunications Federalism Conference The convergence of voice, video, and data on internet protocol-based platforms undermines the traditional regulatory...
Media Ownership Rules - Transcript
Mark N. Cooper, David Reinhard, Raymond L. Gifford, Stephen F. Williams
The Telecommunications Practice Group sponsored this panel during the 2003 National Lawyers Convention on November...
Plenary Session #1 Teacher Unions: Roadblocks to Education Reform or Defenders of Teacher and Student Interests?
Jonathan Berry, Michael Hartney, David R. Osborne, Ilya Shapiro, Eric Stahlfeld
2023 Education Law & Policy Conference
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the powerful influence of teacher unions in public education. As a...
The FCC Versus the Constitution - Transcript
Andrew Schwartzman, J. Gregory Sidak, Jane Mago, Randolph May, Stephen F. Williams
The Telecommunications & Electronic Media Practice Group sponsored this panel during the 2001 National Lawyers...
The Role of Public Utility Commissions
Kathleen Q. Abernathy, Larry S. Landis, Randolph May, Connie Murray, Gregory E. Sopkin
2006 Telecommunications Federalism Conference
The convergence of voice, video, and data on internet protocol-based platforms undermines the traditional regulatory...