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MR. BAKER: We’re going to do this almost entirely out of questions, as opposed to set-piece presentations. So, let me introduce the panel, which is a really excellent panel. I will start with Tom Malinowski. Tom is head of the Washington office of Human Rights Watch. He previously was chief speech writer for the National Security Council under President Clinton. And, he’s worked for the Ford Foundation and for Senator Moynihan. Next to him is Jeremy Rabkin, who teaches international law and American constitutional history at the Department of Government at Cornell University. Then, Ron Rychlak is a professor of law at the University of Mississippi, and who has previously practiced law at Jenner & Block, and participated, I believe in the ICC negotiations on behalf of the Vatican. Then, Elisa Massimino is the Director of the Washington office of the Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights. She has taught at the University of Virginia Law School and George Washington, and previously practiced law at Hogan & Hartson. Finally, we have Ed Williamson. As many of you know, he was for two and a half years in the first Bush Administration. They actually called it the first Bush Administration, but they had something else in mind. He was the legal advisor to the State Department, and apart from that dalliance with government service, he has spent his career at Sullivan & Cromwell.