
Volume 3: Issue 3

Asbestos: The Next Liability Explosion?

MR. MARK BEHRENS:  We have an incredible panel today to address asbestos litigation issues. I...

Volume 3: Issue 3

Federal Employment Discrimination

There is an astonishing amount of hiring and promotion discrimination on the basis of race,...

Volume 3: Issue 3

The "Female-Friendly" Workplace

Shame is a powerful emotion—a “condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute” according to a standard...

Volume 3: Issue 3

The Federalism Side of School Vouchers

By upholding Ohio’s school voucher program against an Establishment Clause challenge to the inclusion of...

Volume 3: Issue 3

The Future of American Spectrum Policy

When I arrived at the Federal Communications Commission about a year ago — after stints...

Volume 3: Issue 3

Can the ICC Be Effective on the World Stage?

MR. BAKER: We’re going to do this almost entirely out of questions, as opposed to...

Volume 3: Issue 3

Labor and Employment Law: A Briefing

MR. FORTNEY: My name is David Fortney. I am the Chair of the Federalist Society’s...

Volume 3: Issue 3

Engage Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2002

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & REGULATION Restoring Congress’ Proper Role in Oversight of Covert Intelligence Operations by...

Volume 3: Issue 3

The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001: Criminal Procedure Sections

The antiterrorism bill recently enacted by Congress makes a number of significant changes to criminal...