Unpacking Natural Law Jurisprudence

Unpacking Natural Law Jurisprudence

Professor Lee Strang answers basic questions and objections to a Natural Law jurisprudence. Is Natural Law theory innately religious? Does it account for precedent? Is a Natural Law approach even useful in a robust system of positive law?

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4 of 4: Is Natural Law Relevant in a Mature Legal System? [No. 86]

Is the natural law tradition still relevant in a comprehensive positive legal system? Professor Lee Strang argues that although a natural law interpretation is not invoked for common legal questions, it can still be useful to understand the larger m ... Is the natural law tradition still relevant in a comprehensive positive legal system? Professor Lee Strang argues that although a natural law interpretation is not invoked for common legal questions, it can still be useful to understand the larger meaning and purpose of laws.

Lee J. Strang is the John W. Stoepler Professor of Law & Values at the University of Toledo College of Law.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

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As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

#no86 #law #naturallaw #jurisprudence