Unpacking Natural Law Jurisprudence

Unpacking Natural Law Jurisprudence

Professor Lee Strang answers basic questions and objections to a Natural Law jurisprudence. Is Natural Law theory innately religious? Does it account for precedent? Is a Natural Law approach even useful in a robust system of positive law?

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2 of 4: Does Natural Law Require a Belief in God? [No. 86]

Professor Lee Strang discusses the breadth of the natural law tradition, which includes both religious and non-religious thinkers. The basic premises of natural law are rational and don’t require a belief in a divine being. Professor Strang cites J ... Professor Lee Strang discusses the breadth of the natural law tradition, which includes both religious and non-religious thinkers. The basic premises of natural law are rational and don’t require a belief in a divine being. Professor Strang cites John Finnis’ Natural Law and Natural Rights as an excellent presentation of the core natural law tradition which includes, but does not assume, a religious viewpoint.

Lee J. Strang is the John W. Stoepler Professor of Law & Values at the University of Toledo College of Law.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

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