Common Law

Course Description

Why take a course on Common Law, when it’s not a 1L class? Standard law school courses treat Property, Contract, Tort, and Restitution (the major branches of Common Law) as distinct subjects, each with its own rules. Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law argues that this conventional approach misses the mark. Going back to first principles, one finds a deep intellectual unity among these subjects.

About this Course

Total run time:

2h 29m


Common Law

Total videos:



First Year


Introduction to Common Law

Can simple rules solve social coordination problems better than regulations?  Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law provides an alternative to the conventional view that property rights are arbitrarily created by the state, and therefore can be changed at will by the state. A few simple rules, he argues, are universal principles of social organization, consistent across time and culture, which form the basis of social gains. 



Property and the Common Law

Are property rights arbitrary creations of the state, able to be changed at any time? Or is there some deeper principle at work? Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law defines the rules of property, then goes through a variety of cases and examples integral to Anglo-American property law. What kind of rule provides stable property possession within a complex system of property ownership and leasing? Watch to learn more.


Introduction to Contracts

This module covers some basic concepts in Contract Law. What are the necessary parts of a contract? When might a contract be unenforceable?  What role do contracts play in a common law system? How do contracts help individuals and society develop products and services that would otherwise be too difficult?


Common Law and Torts

How does the law of tort stabilize the common law system? Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law explores how torts set and enforce boundaries between parties. The law of public nuisance deals with private access to public areas, and the law of trespass with disputes between private parties. The system is designed to prevent any individual to alter boundaries in Property or Contracts unfairly to their own advantage. Watch to learn more.


Common Law and Contracts

What kinds of agreements are covered by the law of contracts? Professor Richard Epstein of NYU School of Law gives a basic definition, then goes through a variety of transactions, from simple to complex, where contracts with increasing degrees of formality are used. What role do contracts play in the greater social order? What net benefits do they have? Watch to learn more.


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Frequently Asked Questions

The material is for first-year law students who are being exposed to the Common Law for the first time in their Property, Contracts and Torts classes. It’s also relevant for anyone interested in learning about the Common Law more generally.
In law school, Property, Contracts and Torts are taught as separate subjects, but Professor Richard Epstein explores and argues for the foundational unity among them. This course presents a different way of thinking about those subjects, and the cases and principles therein, than you might hear in class.
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A course is a full academic subject, and a module is a subsection of a course. Modules are composed of individual videos on related subjects.
This material is designed as a supplement to classroom learning. No credit is offered.
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