Engage Volume 4, Issue 2, October 2003
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW & REGULATION The Benefits and Costs of Sound Economics: The “Clear Skies” Dilemma...
The Benefits and Costs of Sound Economics: The "Clear Skies" Dilemma
In early 2003, officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) embarked on a “listening...
Warning to Trial Lawyers: Read the Law -- The Federal Law -- Before Proceeding
In the world of toxic tort suits, “failure to warn” can be a trial lawyer’s...
Roger Clegg Reviews "Beyond the Color Line: New Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity in America" Editied by Abigail Thernstrom and Stephan Thernstrom
Early in his second term, President Clinton announced that America badly needed to have a...
Glenn Sulmasy Reviews "Legal and Ethical Lessons of NATO's Kosovo Campaign" - By Andru E. Wall
In August of 2001, a group of leading international law scholars gathered at the U.S....
Peter Kirsanow Reviews "No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning" - By Abigail Thernstrom
No Excuses – Closing the Racial Gap in Learning is the most important civil rights...
Robert Levy Reviews "Skepticism and Freedom: A Modern Case for Classical Liberalism" By Richard A. Epstein
Some years ago, I first heard Richard Epstein sermonize on the majesty of a free...
The Diversity Lie
Last term, the Supreme Court mulled over the legality of the University of Michigan’s consideration...
A Roadmap for the Continuing Legal Challenge to Race-Based Admissions
The higher education establishment breathed a sigh of relief in June when the Supreme Court’s...
Racial Profiling and the War on Terrorism
Roger Clegg’s encomium to the Justice Department’s new position on racial profiling contains several perfectly...
In Defense of Common Sense: The Case for Terrorist (Not Racial) Profiling
On September 11, 2001, 19 male Muslim fundamentalists of Arab descent murdered 3,000 people on...
Mandatory Expensing of Stock Options: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Not Come
The corporate scandals of the last few years have dramatically altered the landscape of corporate...
Harmonization, Preemption, or Federalism?
Blue Sky laws aren’t much fun for a securities lawyer. Often an afterthought, and nearly...
Echoes of a Muted Trumpet
Forty years ago, the United State Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution gives every person...
Federal Plea Agreements: The Engine That Drives the Prosecution of Increasingly Complex Crimes
There has been much controversy and criticism, from academia, the bench and the criminal defense...
Smoke and Mirrors on Race and the Death Penalty
Claims that the death penalty is enforced in a manner that discriminates on the basis...
The Anti-Energy Litigation of the State Attorneys General
Does Section 108 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) impose a “mandatory duty” on the...
New Source Review (NSR): A Plain English Primer and Update on EPA's Recent Changes
In May, 2003, EPA received over 225,000 comments on a proposed regulation. This number covers...
Comment: Nevada Department of Human Resources v. Hibbs
In a Term that has laid to rest the exaggerated claim that the Rehnquist Court...
The Endangered Species Act: Does It Have a Stopping Point
In several recent decisions, the United States Supreme Court has held that Congress cannot use...
Federalism and Separation of Powers: Supreme Court 2002-2003 Term
Sprietsma v. Mercury Marine, 123 S. Ct. 518, 537 U.S. 51 (2002). Decided: Dec. 3,...
PATRIOT Games: Common Myths About the USA PATRIOT Act
MYTH: Thousands of people were rounded up after September 11, 2001 and detained for long...
Congress Moves Forward on Ambitious Financial Services Agenda
On the heels of the 107th Congress, which enacted the most sweeping securities law reforms...
Supreme Court Update: 2003 2nd Quarter
Since 1907, corporations have been prohibited from contributing directly to candidates in federal elections. See...
Heartache Over HIPAA
Churchgoers in a small New England town were astonished by an announcement from the pulpit...
Lawfully Defending Peace: The Bush Doctrine and the Global War on Terrorism
The barbarians are always at the gate. Conflict is a natural consequence of the human...
Eldred v. Ashcroft: The Supreme Court's Mickey Mouse Copyright Decision
Recently decided by the Supreme Court is the case of Eldred v. Ashcroft, which challenged...
State Sovereign Immunity and the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be...
Nevada v. Hibbs: An Unsound Departure from the States' Rights Trend
In 1997, William Hibbs, an employee of Nevada’s Department of Human Resources, sought leave to...
The Breadth of Hoffman Plastic
In Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc., v. NLRB, 122 S.Ct. 1275 (2002), the Supreme Court was...
Restoring the Rule of Law in Class Actions: Congress Considers the Class Action Fairness Act of 2003
The system of dual sovereignty known as federalism is a fundamental and cherished part of...
Punitive Damages and the Supreme Court: A Tragedy in Five Acts
First, I want to situate Tort law in a way that allows us to understand...
The Splintered Opinion in Green Tree: A Roadmap Through Arbitration Federalism
In Green Tree v. Bazzle, a case decided in June, 2003, the United States Supreme...
Legislating Morality in the 21st Century
[T]he Court … says: “[W]e think that our laws and traditions in the past half...
After the 1999 Code Amendments: The Future of Ethics
On July 14, 1999, the presiding Justices of the Appellate Division of the New York...
RLUIPA May not Pass Constitutional Scrutiny
The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (hereafter, “RLUIPA” or the “Act”)...
The FCC Makes Historic, and Controversial, Changes to its Media Ownership Rules
Rarely does an action taken by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) result in groups as...
The FCC's New Media Ownership Rules: What's All the Controversy About?
On July 2, 2003, the Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules to govern the ownership...
John Eastman Reviews "Narrowing the Nation's Power: The Supreme Court Sides With the States" - By Judge John T. Noonan
Even before opening Judge John T. Noonan, Jr.’s latest book, Narrowing the Nation’s Power: The...