702 Quarrier St.
Charleston, WV 25301
Please join the West Virginia Lawyers Chapter for an in-person event!
Last term the Supreme Court rejected the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to impose certain emissions regulations in West Virginia v. EPA. The immediate and popular press aftermath of the decision focused on the implications for environmental policy and the EPA's ability to take action to prevent climate change. The equally important implications on government's regulatory power have been less prevalent in the policy discussion, but may have equal importance going forward.
Join us as three lawyers whose careers within and out of government have intersected with this case and who have thought about its implications for many years share their take on how West Virginia v. EPA will shape the future of environmental law, policy, and regulation.
Free for Members, $10 for Non-Members
As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.