The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law - Philadelphia

Philadelphia Lawyers Chapter - Online Event

Who is Justice Antonin Scalia? Please join the Philadelphia, 
New Jersey, Delaware, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh Lawyers' Chapters and the Penn Law and Temple Law Student Chapters, as Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton and Edward Whelan tackle this question and discuss their forthcoming book, The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law. Judge Stephanos Bibas will moderate the event. 
  • Hon. Jefffrey S. Sutton - Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
  • Edward Whelan - President, Ethics and Public Policy Center
  • Hon. Stephanos Bibas (Moderator) - Judge, United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit

Judge Sutton and Mr. Whelan will provide an inscribed bookplate to anyone attending this event who has bought The Essential Scalia. Details to follow. 

CLE credit will be offered for PA only.  There will be a $15 charge for CLE credit.  The event will be free for those who do not seek CLE.


Registration is now closed.  Please email [email protected] for Zoom-related questions.