Health Care Reform and the States: Should Ohio Expand Medicaid?

The Columbus Lawyers Chapter


  • Mr. Sean McGlove, Senior Vice President and General Counsel
    Ohio Hospital Association
  • Mr. Robert Alt, President, Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions


  • Mr. Sean McGlove, Senior Vice President and General Counsel
    Ohio Hospital Association
  • Mr. Robert Alt, President, Buckeye Institute for Public Policy Solutions

In ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act in NFIB v. Sebelius, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that the federal government could not coerce the states to expand their Medicaid programs. The Affordable Care Act nonetheless places significant pressure and incentives on the states to expand Medicaid eligibility to 138% of the federal poverty level, including promising 100% federal funding for the expanded population for 2014 through 2016, gradually reducing to 90% by 2020. It is estimated that Medicaid expansion would result in between 275,000 and 600,000 new Medicaid enrollees in Ohio. Our distinguished panel will discuss whether Medicaid expansion is good for Ohio, including considering what expansion would mean for Ohio’s fiscal situation, economy and patients’ well-being. They will also discuss potential legal issues presented by expansion, including what the state’s options are if Ohio decides to expand Medicaid eligibility and the federal government reduces its funding commitment in the future and whether the state has flexibility to explore other options for health care for the expanded population.

The cost is $20.00 per person ($5.00 for students).

Federalist Society members and non-members are welcome.

RSVP to the chapter’s president, Joe McCandlish, at [email protected]. Pay at the door or in advance by cash or by check (to The Federalist Society, P.O. Box 1434, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1434).