Pavel Bratinka

Pavel Bratinka

Former Czech Minister

Co-owner of the consulting company Euroffice Praha-Brusel as, former Czech minister. In December 1989, together with twelve other people, he founded ODA in his apartment. From January to June 1990, he worked at the headquarters of OF as vice-president of its foreign department and then for two years as a member of the Federal Assembly. This was followed by four years as a deputy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and, since 1996, 18 months in the Czech government as a minister without a portfolio. Since 1998, he has worked as a consultant for advocating for the interests of clients in the EU institutions and its Member States.

He was born in Bratislava on March 14, 1946. His mother was Czech, his father Slovak. In the identity card he therefore wrote: Slovak nationality. He studied solid state physics at the Faculty of Nuclear and Technical Physics, CTU. From July 1968 to November 1969 he was in the Netherlands, where he worked for a year on his diploma thesis in physics at the Technische Hogeschool in Delft and the rest of his stay in various manual jobs. On August 21, 1968, he specifically worked as a welder at the engineering plant in Dordrecht. During the Soviet occupation, he first worked at the Academy of Sciences as an aspirant. Due to political non-involvement, he was prevented from completing and defending his candidate's thesis, and his employment was terminated in 1974. For the next 7 years he worked as a technical officer at the Institute of Technical Development and Information, but in 1981 he was fired this time for political involvement, but on the "wrong" side. He spent one year as a cleaner in the Prague metro and the last seven years of the regime as a fireman in Metrostav.


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